Ayurvedic Body Work, Immersive Meditation, Sound Healing, Breathwork, Reiki, Results Coaching, Wellness Retreats


Bree Oriard is a healing practitioner with a deep respect for the ancient and transformative.  She believes nourishment and care to be a birthright that, when activated and nurtured, can result in an inspired and thriving life.  The foundation of her work is collaborative and empowering, as she is dedicated to supporting individuals and communities in expressing this internal harmony and optimal health.  She is honored to offer her skills in creating healing space for humans and the land.

Relevant Certifications:

~Ayurvedic Health Counselor - Bastyr University

~Ayurvedic Body Work Therapist - California College of Ayurveda (Solo and Tandem practitioner Abhyanga massage, Shirodhara, Swedana, Ayurvedic Facial Rejuvenation, Garshana, Kati Basti, Hridaya Basti, Janu Basti, Pinda Swedana, Therapeutic Nasya.

~ Himalayan Singing Bowl level II Sound Therapist - Atma Buti School of Sound and Vibration

~Certified Guided Meditation Facilitator - Guided Meditation Framework

~Usui Reiki Practitioner - Level II

~Bachelor of Arts in Education - Washington State University    

Ayurveda, the Sanskrit term translated as “The Science of Life” is the traditional medicine of India and said to be the oldest system of healthcare in the world, dating back between 5,000 and 10,000 years. Ayurveda focuses on complete wellness with the understanding that each unique person has their own unique path to optimal health.

Ayurveda groups the 5 great elements (either, air, fire, water, and earth) into three energy forces, called doshas, that can be found in every person and thing, we use the Sanskrit words Vata, Pitta, and Kapha to describe the combinations of these principles. The foundation of Ayurvedic treatment relies upon recognizing when a dosha becomes excessive or deficient, leading to disease.

Our work together will be focused on evaluating your doshas, uncovering any potential imbalances, and then creating a plan to bring your body and mind back into harmony so that you can begin to heal yourself. Using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Sound Therapies, and Immersive Meditations, we will design a wellness plan that fits your specific doshic needs and is completely tailored to you as an individual.

Book a Session

We’ll work together to create inner harmony and bliss in your life.

Now seeing clients at Dayaalu Center

159 Wyatt Way NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110